Week 3 Updates!

Good morning, or afternoon, or night, or whenever you’re reading this. If you are on an FRC team, hope your team is doing well. We are doing pretty well ourselves.


We continued work on our CAD and pretty much finalized it. Some of the kids continued to work on building the pyramid. We also worked on making parts for our drive train assembly.


We found out we aren’t very good button makers…. yet. We continued making parts for the drive train assembly. We started working with the Bridgeport CNC.


We organized the shop today and moved our stuff into a storage area across the street in Black Engineering.


We continued doing pre-fabrication work on the Bridgeport. The VEX order was also sent in today. We began organizing our stuff.


We got our master order sent in tonight. Fabrication also began today of our drive train, which we got 9 modules mostly assembled. We also got our hood latches for the bumpers. Work on Kraken also began.


We finished up our work on the Bridgeport. Fabrication of the chassis for both of our practice and competition bots were initiated and completed tonight, weighing in at a slim 35 pounds. We also a dance held here in the shop after we lost 3 of our fellow Neutrinos to their winter formal, which went successful I might add.

Week 2 Updates (Days 8-19)

Nice to see you again! This week we have been extremely busy.


We split into several teams. One team CAD’ed, another team prototyped the pickup mechanism, and another prototyped the shooter mechanism.


We continued CAD’ing, prototyping, and strategizing for the rest of the week. The electronics/programming team also met and were practicing programming.


We held a team meeting that went pretty well discussing regionals and other team things as well.


We started importing the drive train/chasis into MasterCam then we started CNC’ing it. There was a team that started practicing welding. Another team also started building the field (pyramid/feeder slots)


We did outreach at the ISU FIRST LEGO League State Championships from 9-12. Check back later this week for the post about that. Once we got done, we continued importing the rest of the drive train/chasis into MasterCam then finished CNC’ing them. Another team started detailing the CAD models of the specific modules we are putting on our robot. A few people continued work on the feeder slots.

Iowa State FIRST LEGO League Tournament Outreach

Just wanted to update all of you about Saturday. We are going to be in 1071 Black Engineering from 9-12. We will have our Rebound Rumble robot there!
If you can’t make it, follow us on twitter for live updates along with checking back here later for photos. Also, check out the LIVE Video Feed on Saturday from the event!

Here are additional files:
Judging Schedule
Robot Schedule
Outreach Schedule
Outreach Description

Day 10: Ready to Bag… Cardboard Model!

Hello World!
It is Day 10 and most of the team had no school today because we are starting the last semester of the year in high school tomorrow (and for some, the last day of their last semester in their high school career). We got a lot done today, spending almost 7 hours in the shop.


Our mentor Aren was warming up his left over Chinese, engineer style, because we still don’t have a microwave in the shop. We are hoping to get one soon so this madness with heat guns can stop.


We were working on designing a cardboard prototype of our robot based on our sketch in CAD from this past Saturday.


Matthew took a drill to a cardboard tube. This didn’t end up working very well. We are already losing our minds, and it’s barely a week into build season!


“We’re ready to bag it!”… Only our Cardboard copy!


Since the new semester started, new students in Mechanical Engineering Classes & other Engineering classes here at Iowa State University were touring Boyd Lab and came through to see the Mechtronics Lab.

Week 1 Updates (Days 1-7)

We have 39 days to go as of the time I wrote this sentence. So far this week we have accomplished some critical things in the design process (Strategy, Conceptualization, and Prototyping). I will try to push out an update every Saturday night or Sunday for the coming weeks. Follow us on Twitter for the latest information.


See this blog post about kickoff day!


We started prototyping the shooter along with the climbing mechanisms and a defense strategy. The climbing mechanisms we were talking about consisted of a rocker bogie, much like the back set of wheels on the Mars rovers and shimming our way up the outside. We ruled out that idea, and are going with a much more simplistic idea that is going to be pretty cool.


We took Tuesday off to let the Ames students study for finals. We continued on Wednesday by talking about drive trains and listing the pros and cons for each of the three we were looking at, that consisted of tank, [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. When we finally picked the one that we are going with. During our business meeting, an Ames promotions guy came to talk to us about making “trinkets” and tattoos. We decided to not get the trinkets because they were too expensive, but we got 2,000 tattoos with the FIRST logo on them to be able to hand out at events. We also continued the work on prototyping the climbing mechanisms along with our defense mechanism and making a test practice board for the electronics team to get started. Some students also worked on the frisbee shooter as well.


The team worked more on prototyping the shooter. The prototype chasis was printed for us with some frisbees as well. We also talked about applying for awards as well today.


We continued thinking about climbing strategies and managed to come up with 3 new ones, eventually coming to a consensus that Aren finally had bolted his head back on to come up with a brand new strategy where we wouldn’t be relying on our center of gravity (CG) to push us back into the pyramid. It was also way simpler then all of our over thought ideas.