Week 7 Updates: Open House and Bag & Tag Day!

WOW! It’s hard to believe that Bag & Tag day was yesterday Tuesday. Poof! The six week build season went by like the speed of neutrinos. I’m kind of sad that it went by that quick, but I learned so much that I look forward to sharing with my new team next year down in Missouri. As @frcproblemz tweeted yesterday “10 months, 15 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes, and 22 seconds until the 2014 build season #countdown #frcproblemz” we too are counting down to 2014! 🙂
This week’s update is shorter then usual, as the shop is closed until next Monday to allow students to relax and catch up on some much needed sleep.


Today we drove the robot around, our driver and button monkey got practice driving and shooting. In Auton, we scored a perfect 7 frisbees (of course that had to be the one time when no one was recording it). We also had human defensive bots sliding around on chairs (which was very, very fun).


Tonight we had our open house for our parents, sponsors, and community to see the work we have been doing the past 6 weeks. We also gave tours of Boyd Lab and Mechatronics Lab to those who attended.


Bag & Tag night! We continued driver practice tonight along with our shooter angle. The shop was also busy, making spare parts to be included in our bag.


We are getting a tour at our sponsor Sauer-Danfoss today.