Building FLL Kits 2015

On Saturday, September 19th, Neutrinos and mentors gathered to assemble FIRST Lego League mission model kits that will be used in Iowa Regionals and the State Championship. In total, we made about fifteen kits. This was a great opportunity to help grow and maintain our state’s great FLL program.20967221833_37a568a267_k21400321118_0cafbdd066_k

2015 Newtrinos Meeting

Team Neutrino is a FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) Story County 4-H club open to high school students in Ames and surrounding communities in Story County.

Are you interested in engineering, CAD, business management, or computer programming?

Please join us from 6:00 – 7:30pm on Thursday, September 17th at 4220 Sukup Hall (in the Biorenewables Complex on the ISU campus) for more information. We will have PIZZA! Our official season will begin January 9, 2016.

2015 Iowa State Fair Presentation

On August 23, Team Neutrino will be presenting and demonstrating at the Iowa State fair. We will be sharing some booths for the whole day with several FTC teams, FRC 4646 ASAP and FRC 967 Iron Lions on the Grand Concourse. We will be giving a presentation with the FRC teams on the MidAmerican Energy Stage from around 9:00 to 10:00. We hope to see you there!

Update: Our team was featured in the Iowa Govenor’s STEM Council STEM day at the fair video! Check it out below:


Super Summer 2015

From June 1st to June 12th, Team Neutrino taught a LEGO Mindstorms Robotics class as a part of the local “Super Summer” program. About 30 students entering grades 4 through 8 learned how to build and program LEGO NXT and EV3 robots. The lesson plans for this class were both developed and taught by members of Team Neutrino. In addition, members of our team helped to teach the Beyond an Hour of Code and Engineering .101 classes. In Beyond an Hour of Code, students learned basic programming skills using Scratch. In Engineering .101, students learned engineering and safety skills through taking apart old appliances and devices, such as computers, record players, cell phones, and radios.

Team Neutrino also presented about our team and demonstrated our Aerial Assist robot to all three classes. All the students learned a lot through these classes! Check out the video below for a slideshow of our LEGO Mindstorms Robotics class.